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Since 1989 I’ve been shooting high quality corporate, marketing and editorial photography for clients throughout Australia. My clients range from small businesses to multi-national blue-chip companies, and include magazines, PR agencies and design agencies. I always welcome the opportunity to show potential new clients my work – if you’re based in Sydney, drop me an email at to arrange a meeting. The majority of my work is shot on location, often at clients’ offices for maximum convenience. Originally from Cronulla in Sydney’s southern beaches area, I spent time at Sydney University living on campus at Wesley college . During this phase my interest in photography became much stronger and after travelling the world (as most Aussies do) I became the owner of Monte luke Studio in York street Sydney . After phasing out the active wedding arm of the studio in 1995 I made the decision to concentrate almost exclusively on corporate work, including brochures, websites and public relations photography, while still shooting editorial work for newspapers, magazines and contract publishers. I have been shooting digitally for clients since 2001, and still shoot some film (medium format) for myself . When I don’t have a camera in my hand, I’m somewhat fanatical about golf and usually play at an exposed links course at La Perouse.

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